JUMP TOVoiceBase V3 APIAccountGet the action for PII flagged media.getSet the action for PII flagged media.putAuditTrailPaginated list of audit trail eventsgetDefinitionCategoryList categoriesgetRetrieve a categorygetPatch a categorypatchCreate or update categoryputDelete categorydeleteBulk upload categoriespostBulk operations for categoriespostDefinitionList keyword spotting groupsgetRetrieve a keyword spotting GroupgetCreate or update keyword spotting groupputDelete keyword spotting groupdeleteList metrics groupsgetList predictive classification modelsgetRetrieve details about a predictive classification modelgetList detection modelsgetRetrieve details about a detection modelgetRetrieve the list of extended metadata searchable fieldsgetDefine extended metadata searchable fieldsputList custom vocabulariesgetRetrieve a custom vocabulary.getCreate or update a custom vocabularyputDelete a custom vocabularydeleteSearchSearch using VBQLpostSearch using VBQL and return result as CSVpostMediaList media recordsgetUpload a media file for transcription and analysispostGet media expirationDategetRemoves expiration date from the media given its identifierdeleteUpdate media expirationDateputRetrieve transcript and analytical results from a media recordgetDelete a media, transcripts and analytics resultsdeleteAlign a transcript and re-run the jobpostRetrieve encrypted transcript and analytical results from a media recordgetRetrieve transcriptgetRetrieve text transcriptgetRetrieve formatted text transcriptgetRetrieve SRT transcriptgetRetrieve DFXP transcriptgetRetrieve WEBVTT transcriptgetRetrieve processing progressgetList streamsgetDownloads the media identified by the stream namegetRetrieve metadata associated with a media recordgetUpdate media metadataputRetrieve state of the PII flag for the media with requested mediaIdgetMarks the media as containing PII (PCI, SSN, etc...). Triggers the default action associated with the flag.putNamedConfigurationList all Named ConfigurationsgetAdd a Named ConfigurationpostRetrieve a Named ConfigurationgetUpdate Named ConfigurationputDelete a Named ConfigurationdeleteKey ManagementList API KeysgetCreate API KeypostRetrieve details about an API keygetDelete API keydeletePublic Key ManagementList public encryption keysgetRegister a public keypostRetrieve a public keygetDelete a public keydeletePlatformVersionThis API expose Platform versiongetRegister a public keypost https://apis.voicebase.com/v3/security/public-keysRegister a new public key