
VoiceBase supports the following languages and dialects.

Feature Support by Language

LanguageCodeTranscriptionCallbacksNumFormattingKeywords & TopicsPredictionsPCIVoiceFeaturesConversationMetricsSentimentByTurnVerbNounEntities
English USen-US
English UKen-UK
English AUen-AU
Portugese Brazilpt-BR
Spanish LatinAmes-LA
Spanish Spaines-ES
Spanish USes-US
Spanish Mexicoes-MX

Note: en-UK and en-AU use the en-US functions for Keywords, Topics, Number Formatting and PCI.

Configuring Language Support

Use the language configuration parameter to set the language. Omitting
the parameter defaults the language to U.S. English (en-US).

For example, to transcribe a recording in Australian English:

  "speechModel" : {
    "language" : "en-AU"
  • language : The language code. Refer to the table above.

Disabling Semantic Keywords and Topics

Semantic keywords and topics <keywordsandtopics.html>__ are not
currently supported with German, Italian, or Portuguese, please disable the feature in your configuration for these languages.

  "knowledge": {
    "enableDiscovery" : false


** Note: Export your api TOKEN prior to running any of the
following examples.

export TOKEN='Your Api Token'

U.S. English for Voicemail

curl \
    --form media=@recording.mp3 \
    --form configuration='{
      "speechModel" : {
        "language" : "en-US"
        "extensions" : [ "voicemail" ]
    }' \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"

U.K. English

curl \
    --form media=@recording.mp3 \
    --form configuration='{
     "speechModel" : {
        "language" : "en-UK"
    }' \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"

Europa speech engine

You may want to try our specialized speech engine, Europa <speech-engine.html>__ for variants of English such as Singapore, Indian, UK, or Australian English.
Europa also supports European Spanish and other variants of Spanish.

More Language Options

VoiceBase has the capability to add languages per customer requests. Please talk to sales <>_ if you have a use case requiring any of the following languages:

Arabic * Bulgarian * Catalan * Croatian * Czech * Danish * Dutch * Finnish * Greek * Hindi * Hungarian *
Japanese * Korean * Latvian * Lithuanian * Malay * Mandarin * Norwegian * Polish * Romanian *
Russian * Slovak * Slovenian * Swedish * Turkish.