Voicebase API Error Codes and Messages

10000The API you requested was not found. The available endpoints are defined in the VoiceBase API documentation.
10001The request submitted to VoiceBase contains an invalid http multipart request. Please review the code calling the api to ensure proper use of the http multipart request.
10002Your request could not be authorized because it did not contain an Authorization header. Please review the VoiceBase authorization documentation for instructions on how to obtain and include an Authorization header in your request.
10003The Authorization header you provided is invalid and thus the request you submitted is not permitted. Please provide a valid VoiceBase access token.
10004The account associated with the request you made has been locked. To unlock your account, please contact VoiceBase support.
10005The account associated with the request is pending approval by VoiceBase. If you wish to expedite this process, please contact VoiceBase support.
10006The access token submitted with the request is not authorized to access the resource specified. Please consult the VoiceBase documentation on access tokens and authorization.
10007We could not parse the configuration element associated with your request. May we suggest using the open source tool ‘jq’ (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to identify the issues with your configuration.
10008The property (%s) is not part of the %s configuration. VoiceBase uses strict configuration validation and extra properties are not allowed.
10009We were unable to identify the priority specified in the configuration. Please provide one of low|normal|high.
10010The configuration contains a duplicated property: ‘%s’. Please remove one of the duplicated properties.
10011The VoiceBase api does not support non-url-encoded query variable values. Please update your request to appropriate encode these values.
10012The VoiceBase api does not support non-url-encoded query variable values. Please update your request to appropriate encode these values.
10013Please submit your request with an VoiceBase user access token.
10107We could not parse the metadata element associated with your request. May we suggest using the open source tool ‘jq’ (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to identify the issues with your metadata.
10108You provided an externalId property in your metadata, but it was empty. If you include the externalId property, please supply a value of length less than %s.
10109You provided an externalId property in your metadata, but it was too long. If you include the externalId property, please supply a value of length less than s
10110The field ‘%s’ is included more than once in the metadata associated with the request. Please include each metadata property only once.
10201The media file submitted to be processed is malformed in some way and is un-readable by VoiceBase.
10202The request included neither a media attachment nor a mediaUrl. One of these two is required for us to process your request.
10203The media url you supplied (%s) is unreachable by VoiceBase. This may be because the resource is behind a firewall.
10204The media url you supplied (%s) is malformed. Please verify that the url is conformant to internet standards.
10205Requested resource not found
10206The request submitted contains too many ‘%s’ attachments. The maximum is 1. Please review the request and ensure only one is included.
10207We were not able to download a media file from the url supplied with the request (%s). VoiceBase is receiving (%s) status code.
10301You have requested a transcript from a media file that has not yet completed processing. Transcripts only become available when a media item has status finished. Please try again in a while.
10401The language specified in your configuration %s is not supported by the speech engine also specified in the configuration. Please consult the VoiceBase language documentation for a compatibility map.
10402The ‘%s’ language requires a locale to be specified. Please re-submit your request with a supported locale. Supported locales are: %s
10501The property (testability) is not part of the configuration. Please remove the property and try again.
10601VoiceBase does not yet support the language specified in the configuration (language: %s ). Please contact support@voicebase.com regarding languages support timelines.
10602The speech model extension ‘%s’ specified in the configuration is not supported in language: %s. Please remove the speech model extension from the configuration.
10603The speech model feature ‘%s’ specified in the configuration is not supported in language: %s. Please remove the speech model feature from the configuration.
10604Additional speech model are not yet supported.
10800The request payload is larger than %s bytes. Please contact VoiceBase support.
15000The configuration for channels is not supported. Please specify one of (speakerName, stereo or channels)
15001The configuration includes a channels parent property, but no channels were found. Please provide list of channels.
15002The configuration includes channels, but no speaker was found. Please provide speaker for the channel configuration.
15003The configuration includes channels, but only one was found. Please provide both channels (Right and Left)
15004The configuration includes %s channel(s) and the media contains %s channel(s). Please provide configuration for all channels in the media.
15005The configuration ignores all the available channels. Please specify one of the channels to process.
20001VoiceBase could not find the speech model specified in the configuration. Please provide a correct model identifier.
20002The configuration specifies a speech model ‘%s’, but the version is incorrect. Please provide a valid speech model version.
20003The configuration specifies an unsupported transcription engine. Please provide one from the list of supported engines.
20004The configuration enables alignment and also transcription configuration. Please remove the transcription configuration.
20005The configurations enables alignment and specifies the language ‘%s’, but alignment not available for the selected language. Please review the list of supported languages for alignment in the documentation.
20006The configuration contains vocabulary configuration, but does not specify a named collection nor terms. Please provide one or the other.
20007Vocabulary contains a vocabulary property with both a named collection (%s) AND terms (%s). Only one or the other is acceptable. You may update the configuration to include the named collection in one element and the terms in another.
20008The configuration specifies a vocabulary property with a named collection (%s) but VoiceBase could not find it. Please consult the list of named vocabulary collections and correct the configuration.
20009The configuration specifies a vocabulary property with a named collection (%s) but it is empty. Please either remove the empty collection or update it to include terms.
20010The configuration includes a vocabulary specification whose number of terms exceeds the maximum of %s. Please reduce the vocabulary configuration.
20101The configuration includes a vocabulary specification whose number of scripts exceeds the maximum of %s. Please reduce the vocabulary configuration.
20012%s. Please correct the error.
20013The configuration includes a vocabulary specification whose number of words in the scripts exceeds the maximum of %s. Please reduce the vocabulary configuration.
20014The configuration includes a vocabulary specification with an empty term. Please remove the empty term or include a value.
20015The configuration specifies a vocabulary term (%s) with an invalid weight (%s) Please update the configuration to specify a vocabulary weight that is an integer between 0 to 5.
20016%s. Please correct the error.
20017The following terms (%s) are duplicated in the vocabularies configuration submitted with the request. Please update the configuration to ensure terms are unique across the saved vocabularies and adhoc vocabularies.
20011The configuration specifies diarization, but it is not available for the selected language: %s. Please remove this property.
40001The configuration specifies a semantic configuration with either topics or keywords to be true. VoiceBase requires both to be true or both to be false. Please update the semantic configuration to be either both true or both false.
40002The configuration specifies a keywords semantic configuration and the languages’. VoiceBase does not support keywords semantic search for the language. Please remove the keywords semantic configuration for this media.
40003The configuration specifies a topics semantic configuration and the language ‘%s’. VoiceBase does not support topics semantic search for the language. Please remove the topics semantic configuration for this media.
40004The configuration specifies knowledge discovery and the language ‘%s’. VoiceBase does not support knowledge discovery for the language. Please remove the knowledge discovery configuration for this media.
40005The configuration specifies a keyword spotting group (%s), but VoiceBase could not find it. Please update the configuration to specify a keyword spotting group in your definitions, or remove the property from the configuration for this media.
40006The configuration specifies a keyword spotting group (%s), but the definition contains an empty collection. Please please add to the keyword spotting group, or remove the specified group from the configuration.
50001The configuration specifies a prediction model (%s), but it is not available for the selected language (%s). Please please remove the model from the configuration.
50002The configuration specifies a prediction model that is missing an identifier or name. Please please add an identifier or name to the model, or remove the property from the configuration.
50003The configuration specifies a prediction model with a classifierId (%s) that is not not properly formatted. ClassifierIds must be UUIDs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier). Please correct the configuration.
50004The configuration includes a detector element without a detectorId or a detectorName. Please update the configuration to include one or the other.
50005The configuration specifies a detection model with a dectorId (%s) that is not properly formatted. DetectorIds must be UUIDs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier). Please correct the configuration.
50006The configuration specifies a detection model (%s), but it is not available for the selected language (%s). Please please remove the model from the configuration.
50007The configuration includes a redaction element, but it does not specify audio or transcript. Please update the configuration to specify one or the other (audio or transcript)
50008The configuration specifies a redaction element, but it is missing the property. Please update the configuration to specify the %s.
50009The configuration specifies transcript redaction and the language %s’. VoiceBase does not support transcript redaction in this language. Please update the configuration to remove the transcript redaction element.
50010The configuration specifies audio redaction and the language ‘%s’. VoiceBase does not support audio redaction in this language. Please update the configuration to remove the audio redaction element.
50011VoiceBase does not support audio redaction for the content-type ‘%s’. Please update the configuration to remove the audio redaction element.
55000The configuration specifies content filtering and the language ‘%s’ and regions’. VoiceBase does not support content filtering in this language and region combination. Please remove the content filtering element from the configuration.
60001The configuration specifies a callback element without a url. Without a url, VoiceBase cannot make the callback. Please update the configuration provide callback url.
60002The configuration specifies a callback url (%s) with an invalid protocol. The supported protocols are %s. Please update the configuration to correct the callback url.
60003The configuration specifies an unknown callback include (%s). Valid callback includes are %s. Please limit the callback include configuration to items from the supported list.
60004Invalid attachment type: %s
60005Please provide callback url for type: %s
60006Invalid callback url: %s
60007The configuration specifies a callback with an unknown callback type (%s). Valid callback types are %s. Please limit the callback type configuration to items in the supported list.
60008The callback configuration contains a property ‘%s’ is not required for callback of type ‘%s’. Please remove it from the configuration.
60009The callback configuration specifies a callback type (%s), but is missing the property ‘%s’, which is required for callback of type ‘%s’. Please specify a value.
60010The callback configuration specifies the callback type (%s) with an invalid form (%s). Please specify a format from the list of formats for this type supported by VoiceBase (%s)
60011The callback configuration specifies the http method ‘%s’, which is not supported by VoiceBase. Please update the configuration to specify an http method from one of ‘POST’ or ‘PUT’
60012The callback configuration includes an S3 pre-signed url, but the content type has not been specified. Please update the configuration to specify ‘%s’
60013The callback configuration includes an S3 pre-signed url that has the content type set to ‘%s’ and it should be ‘%s’. Please update the configuration specify the correct content type.
70000The request for an API key does not include any configuration elements. Please update the key to include the configuration.
70001The request for an API key specifies both expiration (expirationDate) and time to live in milliseconds (ttlMillis). Please update the request to include expirationDate or ttlMillis, not both.
70002The request for an API key specifies an expiration (expirationDate) that is before now. Please update the request to include an expirationDate value that is in the future, but less than 2 hours from now.
70003The request for an API key specifies an expiration (expirationDate) that is after 2 hours now. Please update the request to include an expirationDate value that is less than 2 hours from now.
70004The request for an API key specifies a time to live in milliseconds (ttlMillis) that is less than or equal to zero. Please update the request to include a ttlMillis greater than zero.
70005The request for an API key specifies a time to live in milliseconds (ttlMillis) that is greater than 2 hours. Please update the request to include a ttlMillis that less than or equals to 2 hours.
70006The request for an API key specifies that the key should be ephemeral, but does not include an expiration date (expirationDate) nor a time to live in milliseconds (ttlMillis). Please update the request to include one or the other.
70007VoiceBase could not find the API key specified in the request. Please update the request to provide a known API key identifier.
70008VoiceBase could not create the api key because we found the following error in the scope configuration: %s. Please update the request to correct the issues.
80000The request specifies a definition (%s) in the collection (%s). Please review your request to identify the definition.
80100The request is missing or has an empty keyword group (keywordGroup) element. Please review the request body and submit a keyword group object.
80101The request specifies a keyword group, but it contains no keywords. Please update the request to specify keywords for the group.
80102Keyword group name must be equals to ‘%s’
80103The keyword group submitted in the request contains an invalid keyword (%s) because it %s. Please correct the error.
80200The request is missing or has an empty vocabulary element. Please review the request body and submit a vocabulary object.
80202The request specifies a vocabulary name in the path (%s) that is not equal to the vocabulary name in the body (%s). They must be the same. Please update either the path variable or the body property.
80203The vocabulary submitted in the request contains an invalid term ‘%s’ with the following errors, %s. Please correct the errors.
80204The vocabulary submitted contains both terms and scripts, but only one or the other is allowed. Please correct the errors.
80205The Vocabulary submitted does not contain a vocabulary type field. Please add vocabularyType: ‘scripts’ to the request.
80206The request specifies a vocabulary collection, but it contains neither terms nor scripts. Please update the request to specify terms or scripts for the vocabulary.
80207The vocabulary submitted in the request contains an invalid script ‘%s’ with the following errors, %s. Please correct the errors.
80208The vocabulary submitted in the request contains too many terms (%s). The maximum is %s. Please limit the vocabulary to the maximum.
80209The vocabulary submitted contains duplicate terms (%s). Please remove the duplicated terms.
80300The request is missing or has an empty searchableFields element. Please review the request body and submit a searchableFields object.
80301The request specifies a searchable field name (%s) that is invalid because %s. Please correct the field to address the issue.
80302The request specifies a searchable field expression (%s) that is invalid because %s. Please correct the expression to address the issue.
80303The request contains a searchable field (%s) whose length exceeds %s the maximum length. Please remove the field from the request.
90000We encountered an issue interacting with S3 (%s)
90001The data in the collection (%s) for the organization (%s) was not found.
90002Mongo failed to process request
90003Internal server I/O error
90004Message broker failed to process request
90005Data version transformation process failed

Note: The ‘s%’ in the messages are substitution variables that are filled when an actual error message is generated.